New Solid Waste Fees for 2025

The Borough of Stroudsburg is raising Solid Waste Fees in 2025.  First Quarter bills have been mailed and they should be arriving in the next several days.  The new fees are:

Monthly Fee                $ 42.50
Quarterly Fee              $127.00
Annual Fee                  $500.00

Fees were increased due to two factors.  Firstly, fees increased in the second year of our contract with Casella.  Secondly, the majority of the increase is due to more accurately reflecting in bills the actual personnel and administrative costs required to administer this program.  This is a one-time adjustment, and future rate increases will not have this added component.

We thank residents for their continued support of this important program!   

Annual Solid Waste Billing Cycles

Click here to review the mailing dates and due dates for trash pickup. 

Click here to pay your bill.

Vacancies on Stroudsburg Borough Boards, Commission and Committees

January 2024

Zoning Hearing Board

One (1) member for a 5-year term; term expires 12-31-2027.
Alternate #1
Alternate #2

Purpose of the Zoning Hearing Board.  The Zoning Hearing Board shall be authorized to perform five major functions: 1) hear and act on appeals from the Borough Zoning Officer; 2) hear and act on requests for special exceptions; 3) hear and act on requests for variances; 4) hear and act on challenges to the validity of this chapter; and 5) hear and act upon unified appeals.

*Members of the Zoning Hearing Board shall hold no other elected or appointed office in the Borough.

Meetings are held at 4:30 P.M. on the third Wednesday of each month.

Planning Commission

One (1) member for a 4-year term; term expires 12-31-2026.

Purpose of the Planning Commission.  The Planning Commission reviews subdivision and land development applications, special exception and variance applications, projecting signs and ordinance revisions.

Meetings are held at 6:00 P.M. on the second Monday of each month.

Historical Architectural Review Board “HARB”

One (1) member to fill an unexpired term; term expires 12-31-2025.  Must be a PA licensed Real Estate Broker, may reside outside of the Borough of Stroudsburg.

One (1) member to fill an unexpired term; term expires 12-31-2023.  Must be a PA licensed Architect, may reside outside of the Borough of Stroudsburg.

One (1) member to fill an unexpired term; term expires 12-31-2023.  Must be a PA licensed Building Inspector, may reside outside of the Borough of Stroudsburg.

Purpose of the Historical Architectural Review Board. The “HARB” is an advisory body which   provides recommendations to the Borough Council regarding the advisability of issuing a certificate of appropriateness for activities or changes affecting all or part of any building or structure located in the Historic Preservation District that is visible from a public street or adjacent public sidewalk or Quaker Alley, Church Alley or Bank Alley.

Meetings are held at 5:30 P.M. on the first Monday of each month.

Finance Committee

One (1) member; annual appointment by the Council President.  The Finance Committee, together with the Borough Manager, prepares the annual municipal budget for consideration by the Stroudsburg Borough Council.  Meetings are on an “as needed” basis.

Letters of interest may be submitted to:

Larry Kopp, Borough Manager
Stroudsburg Borough Municipal Building
700 Sarah Street
Stroudsburg, PA  18360

Or via email

Interest individuals must be residents of the Borough of Stroudsburg unless otherwise noted.It is suggested that interested candidates for any Board, Commission or Committee attend at least two meetings to become familiar with the procedures and responsibilities that are involved.  Additional information can be found on the Borough website


Stroudsburg Mobility Study

Click here to review the completed mobility study. 

Recycling Information

Curbside recycling collection will now include the collection of tin/steel cans, i.e., soup cans, coffee cans, vegetable cans.  KEEP ALUMINUM CANS AND TIN CANS SEPARATED.

Great News!

Stroudsburg was chosen “One of the 10 Best Small Towns to Retire in the US” by Travel and Leisure Magazine.

Exciting news for Stroudsburg Borough!  Out of thousands of applicants, we have been selected one of ten finalists in T-Mobile’s Hometown Techover.  For more information, click here.