Notice to all Residents and Taxpayers:  Please be sure to identify your home/ building address by placing your house/building number in a visible area either on the building or on your mailbox.  This will help emergency service personnel locate you if there is a need for service.  Thank you for helping us help you!

Welcome to the Borough of Stroudsburg

Stroudsburg is a local government located in the heart of the Pocono Mountain region of northeast Pennsylvania. The Borough boasts a bustling downtown area with a wonderful assortment of shops and restaurants – it is THE premiere downtown area of the Poconos.


News and More...
Healthy Home Repair Program (pdf)
This program provides a one-time assistance grant to assist in repairing and removing health and safety hazards for COVID vulnerable and impacted families and individuals.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (pdf)
Monroe County EPAP This is a new rental relief program with different requirements than earlier program.
Business One Stop Shop (pdf)
Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop is the first stop for many individuals who have ideas for new business opportunities or simply need to learn about the vast toolbox of services and resources available within Pennsylvania.
Is Your Sewer Backed Up?
Contact the Borough first to ensure that the blockage is in your sewer lateral. Residents are responsible for the lateral line from their home to the sewer main in the street.

The Borough will not reimburse for contractor fees if the Borough is not contacted first and the blockage is in the Borough’s sewer main.

Please contact the Department of Public Works at 570-421-0490 during normal business hours (Monday – Friday 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.)

During Non-business hours please contact Monroe County Control Center at 570-992-9911

Office Hours

Monday through Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm

Corner of 7th & Sarah Streets
Most departments are on the second floor.

7pm Council Meeting
4:30pm Zoning Meeting
5:30pm HARB Meeting
7pm Council Meeting
6pm Planning Commission Meeting
4pm Shade Tree Meeting
7pm Council Meeting
4:30pm Zoning Meeting