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Borough Council Meeting February 18, 2025
Time: Feb 18, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 2126 7733
Passcode: 532179
Attention Borough of Stroudsburg Residents
The Borough of Stroudsburg seeks a volunteer to serve on the Shade Tree Commission of the Borough of Stroudsburg. The Commission is responsible for the custody and control of the shade trees on the public streets and highways of the Borough of Stroudsburg, and shall have authority to plant, remove, maintain, and protect such trees. The commission meets monthly from September to June, the second Thursday of the month, 4:00 p.m., Borough Municipal Building, 700 Sarah Street.
The term of this position is from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2029. Letters of interest can be mailed to Borough Manager Larry Kopp, 700 Sarah Street, Stroudsburg PA 18360.
Residental Parking Permits
Residential parking permits (Hill, West, South Districts) are now available to complete online for both Owners and Tenants. Please click here or the online payment icon (top right of the page) and follow the directions.
Residential Trash Containers
Please note that Casella will only pick-up trash in provided containers. Additional non-authorized containers with trash are not permitted and will not be picked-up. Trash fees are determined on a per container basis. If you have additional trash that needs to be disposed of, please purchase trash bags at the Borough Building or contact us and we will arrange for another Casella trash cart to be added to your account.
Twin Boroughs Recycling has seen a troubling increase in the number of hypodermic needles and containers holding bodily fluids in recyclables set out for pick-up. This is extremely dangerous for Twin Boroughs Recycling employees and violates several Borough Ordinances. We will cite, and potentially refer to SARP for criminal prosecution, any Borough resident that continues in this practice.
New Solid Waste Fees for 2025
The Borough of Stroudsburg is raising Solid Waste Fees in 2025. First Quarter bills have been mailed and they should be arriving in the next several days. The new fees are:
Monthly Fee $ 42.50
Quarterly Fee $127.00
Annual Fee $500.00
Fees were increased due to two factors. Firstly, fees increased in the second year of our contract with Casella. Secondly, the majority of the increase is due to more accurately reflecting in bills the actual personnel and administrative costs required to administer this program. This is a one-time adjustment, and future rate increases will not have this added component.
We thank residents for their continued support of this important program!
Please download the mPay2 app PRIOR to scanning the QR code.
There are fraudulent redirections on some of the QR codes,
in our borough, as well as towns all around us.
Your Input Needed | Take a Short Survey
Stroudsburg is considering a ban on single-use plastic carryout bags by businesses in the Borough. Numerous municipalities throughout Pennsylvania, and nationwide, as well as some states, have already enacted similar bans.
This ban would include plastic bags at the point of sale as well as for their use in pickup or delivery sales. As an alternative, businesses can either provide paper bags, have reusable bags for purchase, or encourage customers to bring their own reusable bags.
The plastic bag ban is an effort to reduce the use of wasteful single-use bags and their negative impact on the environment.
How do you feel about this potential change? Help us by taking a short, two question survey by clicking on the link below:
Sign the Petition to Scale Back the Expansion of I-80
Stroudsburg is the only town in Pennsylvania that is bisected by Interstate 80. The highway literally runs through the center of town, cutting Stroudsburg and South Stroudsburg in two.
PennDOT's proposal to expand I-80 will devastate the area, negatively impact the community, encroach on our pristine creek, streams and exceptional value watercourse, and require earthmoving activities (relocating a creek). It will crush Stroudsburg Borough, the Monroe County seat, and will wreak havoc on local businesses, cutting off accessibility to our thriving downtown Main Street. Two major hospitals, emergency services and fire companies will have dangerous response times due to the closure of two exits. Constant Main Street gridlock will be inevitable due to the closing of these exits and South Stroudsburg will be cut off with huge soundwalls.
This project will kill our tax base and lead to an increase in the borough tax, the school tax and the library tax. This would be devastating to our residents and business owners.
Annual Solid Waste Billing Cycles
Click here to review the mailing dates and due dates for trash pickup.
Stroudsburg Mobility Study
Click here to review the completed mobility study.
Notice to all Residents and Taxpayers: Please be sure to identify your home/ building address by placing your house/building number in a visible area either on the building or on your mailbox. This will help emergency service personnel locate you if there is a need for service. Thank you for helping us help you!
Welcome to the Borough of Stroudsburg
Stroudsburg is a local government located in the heart of the Pocono Mountain region of northeast Pennsylvania. The Borough boasts a bustling downtown area with a wonderful assortment of shops and restaurants – it is THE premiere downtown area of the Poconos.

The Borough will not reimburse for contractor fees if the Borough is not contacted first and the blockage is in the Borough’s sewer main.
Please contact the Department of Public Works at 570-421-0490 during normal business hours (Monday – Friday 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.)
During Non-business hours please contact Monroe County Control Center at 570-992-9911
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm
Corner of 7th & Sarah Streets
Most departments are on the second floor.