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The Borough of Stroudsburg’s Ordinance #1153 was enacted in September 2023. It is designed to promote public health, safety and the general welfare of citizens of the Borough; to establish rights and obligations of owners and occupants of residential rental units; to ensure that rental properties in the Borough are properly maintained and comply with all applicable codes; to prevent overcrowding; and to provide for a system of inspection, renewal of licenses, and establish penalties for violations.
This Ordinance supersedes the previous Borough Residential Rental Ordinance that also required registration of properties, but without inspections. The Ordinance in full is available for review at the Borough Building, 700 Sarah Street, or by clicking the link on this page.
All residential properties in the Borough must be licensed on an annual basis. The licensing year for rental units runs fromSeptember 1st of the current year to August 31st of the following year. Licensing Applications are due to the Borough by September 1 st . Applications received after September 1st are subject to a late fee. Residential rental units that are vacant must also be registered .
Requirements for Licensure
Requirements for obtaining a license include being current on all property taxes; current status on water and sewer billing; up to date on solid waste collection fees and having the correct number of carts/accounts (one per unit); if required, designating and providing correct information for a property manager; no outstanding citations, fines, costs or liens to the Borough; and a list of all tenants over the age of 18.
Changes in Ownership of Property
The Borough must be notified of any changes in ownership within five (5) business days.
The Ordinance mandates that all residential rental properties will be inspected at least once every three years. Inspections will be conducted by a Code Official from the Borough of Stroudsburg. Inspection appointments can be made on the Borough website through the Resident Services Portal on the Main Page, or by calling the Code Enforcement Office at (570) 421-5444, Extension 103. The owner, or his authorized agent/manager, must be physically present at inspections. The initial inspection, and re-inspection (if necessary, when corrections, as identified by the Code Enforcement Officer, are completed), are included in the license fee. If, at the re-inspection, deficiencies are still found, there will be additional charges for further inspections. A charge will be applied if the owner/manager does not show up for a scheduled inspection or if the owner/manager does not gain entry to the rental unit. If the Borough Engineer, or a Certified Building Inspector, are required for an inspection, the fees for those officials will be paid by the property owner.
Inspection Schedule
In 2024-25, the Borough will begin a three-year routine rotation of rental property inspections. This schedule does not limit the Borough’s authority to conduct inspections or enforcement actions under other Code provisions or to require a property be made available for inspections whenever there is a reasonable suspicion that a violation of the code may exist.
The routine rotation of rental property inspections is as follows:
All of Stroudsburg east of 5th Street. All properties fronting 5th Street. All properties fronting Main Street to 10th Streetand all properties on Ann Street.
Hill District. North of Main Street to Phillips Street. West of 5 th Street and east of 10 th Street.
West Stroudsburg & South Stroudsburg.
Begin three-year rotation again.
Inspection Criteria & Owner/Tenant Responsibilities
All properties are inspected using the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC), 2018 Version; the Borough of Stroudsburg Code of Ordinances; the International Fire Code; and all other applicable statutes.
Property owners are responsible for maintaining the property in compliance with the above references. Failure by the owner to correct any identified violation(s) within the established time period may result in the Borough invoking the remedies available under the Rental Property Ordinance or other applicable Codes, Ordinances or Statutes, including condemnation ordeclaration of the premises to be unfit for human habitation.
The occupant shall comply with all applicable codes and ordinances of the Borough. Occupants shall collect and dispose of all rubbish, garbage, and other waste in a clean and sanitary manner and comply with the Borough’s Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinances. Occupants shall not engage in, nor tolerate nor permit guests on the premises to engage in, and conduct declared illegal under any code or law.
Residential rental property inspection guidelines are outlined in the Residential Rental Licensing & Inspection Guide, which can be downloaded from the link on thispage or by picking up a copy at the Borough Building, 700 Sarah Street. More information on landlord and resident responsibilities are outlined in the Licensing and Inspection of Residential Rental Property Ordinance.
Fees for inspections as approved, by Resolution, by Borough Council on May 6, 2024:
Annual Licensing Fee (per Unit): $40.00
Late Fee (Received After September 1): $20.00
Additional Inspections (After Initial & Follow-Up): $60.00
No Show/No Entry Fee: $60.00
Fee to Reinstate Revoked or Suspended Rental License (per Unit): $100.00
Fee to Appeal Decisions of the Code Enforcement Officer (per Unit): $1,000.00
Inspections requiring Borough Engineer: Inspection Fee plus actual cost of Engineer
Questions about the Borough’s Residential Rental Licensing and Inspection Program? Contact the Borough at (570) 421-5444, or by email to .